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Top Download: String Theory

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Song List:

Kevin Foreman - Dreamer
Kevin Foreman - String Theory - #1 Hit!
Kevin Foreman - Genetic Blueprint
Kevin Foreman - Continuum
Kevin Foreman - Pandora's Key
Kevin Foreman - Progression
Kevin Foreman - Unleashed
Kevin Foreman - Divine Intervention
Kevin Foreman - Undiscovered Tune
Kevin Foreman - The Awakening
Kevin Foreman - Deception
Kevin Foreman - Inspire
Kevin Foreman/DJ Ikronix - Collaboration
Kevin Foreman - Midnight Rave
Kevin Foreman - Twisted System
Kevin Foreman - Trance Nation
Kevin Foreman - Open Your Eyes
Kevin Foreman - Logitechno
Kevin Foreman - Exos
Kevin Foreman - Euphoria
Kevin Foreman - Backspace

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DJKev's Songs


Title: Dreamer
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Trance
Length: 8:30
Size: 19.4mb

Kevin Foreman - Dreamer

I'm back! It has been 3 full years since I wrote my last song, "String Theory." Since then, I have done a lot of other fun stuff (mostly programming), but I didn't want to forget about writing music. After plugging my MIDI keyboard back into my PC after 2.5 years, the thrill and enjoyment of writing music came back in full stride. Within just a few hours, I had the foundation of my new song, "Dreamer." My goal with Dreamer was simply to ease myself back into wiritng music, and to focus on strong melodic tones and harmonies. Like most of my songs, Dreamer doesn't really fall into a specific genre, but does have a very trance-like feel, with more upbeat sections woven in. You'll hear over 26 unique instruments and 39 different melodies/harmonies throughout the 8:30 playtime. I really enjoyed getting back into music with Dreamer, and I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed writing it.



Title: String Theory
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Trance
Length: 5:14
Size: 12.0mb

Kevin Foreman - String Theory

"String Theory" is completely different from anything else I have written before. I love writing dark/mysterious stuff, but I have written most of my songs with that tone and feel. I wanted to try the complete opposite and write a very mellow/bouncy/happy/fun song. With that in mind, "String Theory" was born. I started out by forcing myself to write every rhythm/harmony/lead element in a major scale. This was quite a new experience for me, since I love the minor tone. I then began to fool around with certain types of sounds. After a few hours, I found exactly what I wanted to focus this song on: Stringed-instruments. I began fooling around with some nylon guitar leads and loved what I was hearing. Once I knew where I wanted to go with this song, ideas just kept pouring in. Soon, I had too many licks recorded, and I didn't know what to do with them all. Instead of including all my ideas into "String Theory," I tried to incorporate a few of them into one another. Some rhythms and leads are two ideas that I tried to mend together. As a result, "String Theory" unfolded itself into a fast moving and dynamic song that I hope will be well received by both old fans and new fans alike.



Title: Genetic Blueprint
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Hard Trance
Length: 7:58
Size: 18.2mb

Kevin Foreman - Genetic Blueprint

With "Genetic Blueprint," I wanted to try and move away from simple percussion work and move into more advanced percussion techniques. In my earlier songs, I usually stuck with a generic "techno" percussion technique, which worked pretty well for awhile, but in order to keep things fresh, I needed to change some things up. The kick drum is now a little off-beat, the hi-hats have a lot more complexity in the rhythms, and the overused "techno cymbal" has been removed. To illustrate this change, I begin the first minute of the song with my old percussion work. You'll notice how every hit of the kick is on-beat, the hi-hats are just repeating 8th notes, and the "techno cymbal" can be heard. After a minute in, I introduce the new percussion style. This new style will sound much more "clubby," and should offer a new element to my music. The rest of the song includes some other new techniques as well. I experimented with panning, which is the concept of making sounds jump between the left and right channel. I also use a master filter near the end to filter out all of the low frequencies in order to create a bigger build for the final section of the song. The tone of the song is pretty dark/mysterious. It's a bit similar to "Deception" and "Continuum," so if you enjoyed either of those tracks, you should really enjoy "Genetic Blueprint."



Title: Continuum
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Goa Trance
Length: 10:04
Size: 13.8mb

Kevin Foreman - Continuum

This song is the first song I have written with FLStudio 6. I tried to incoprorate most of 6's new features, such as the Multi-Band Equalizer, Cytrus Synth, and other various new additions. While writing Continuum, my save file had become corrupted, forcing me to re-write the entire song. It was for the best, however, as it allowed me to re-think how to organize everything and EQ all instruments from scratch. Continuum has a total of 72 different layers, all of which come together to create a unique Goa Trance feel. 70 out of the 72 layers have effects on them, such as Reverb, Choruses, EQ's, Delays, Compression, and Phasers. This is definitly my most "effected" song, and spans over 10 minutes with leads, pads and gated synths constructing three different segments of the song. I focused heavliy on builds with Continuum. In the middle, and near the end, I use choirs and gated pads along with a filtered lead to build the listener up to the next segment. I feel this really lets the energy continue to build into each segment and provides an epic experience to the Goa Trance genre. In Continuum, I also experiment with Minor to Major shifting. At around the 4:38 mark, you will hear the song shift from a Minor key to a Major key. I love writing in minor keys, but I felt I need to venture out into different areas to keep my music as fresh as possible. It took me around 5 months to write Continuum, but at 10:04, it should continue to build energy for quite some time.



Title: Pandora's Key
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Trance
Length: 7:46
Size: 10.6mb

Kevin Foreman - Pandora's Key

Poem can be viewed here:
Pandora's Key / Leah Woodall

After many requests to do a song with lyrics, I went ahead and attempted to write one. I had my girlfriend write an original poem, in which she reads throughout various parts of the song. Pandora's Key has a very eerie/mysterious feel to it. I wanted the music to represent the tone of the poem. As with Progression, I EQ'ed every instrument in the song to have every instrument sound exactly the way I wanted it to sound. Pandora's Key includes many effects, especially on the voice track which enables the song to achieve the eerie feel. It took me about 5 months to write, most of it was collaborating with my girlfriend on her poem. This song doesn't necessarily have "true" lyrics, but the future holds limitless possibilities!



Title: Progression
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Trance
Length: 10:19
Size: 14.1mb

Kevin Foreman - Progression

Progression has definitley been my biggest hit so far. I spent more time EQ'ing the song than actually writing it. EQ'ing is the process of manipulating frequencies to get the specific sound you want out of any instrument or synth. I started writing Progression, but didn't like the direction it was going in, so I re-wrote most of the song. I did this multiple times which gave it the name Progression, as it progressed through many stages of development. I use a ton of different effects, such as Reverb, Filters, EQ's, Compressors, Delays, etc. After 4 and a half months of writing, Progression quickly became my #1 downloaded song. I used 67 different instruments/synths in Progression, which all come together to form a song I hope you all continue to enjoy!



Title: Unleashed
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Hard Trance
Length: 7:48
Size: 10.7mb

Kevin Foreman - Unleashed

Before Unleashed, almost all of my songs were at 140bpm (the default for FLStudio). I wanted to try something a bit faster and more "clubby." I sped up the bpm and created a driving baseline that carries the song through its various melodies. Its definitley more of an upbeat song than any of my other work. I used many delay and filter effects throughout the song as well as gated synths and various pads. Fans of Divine Intervention and Deception should enjoy this lively song, which took around 3 months to write.



Title: Divine Intervention
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Trance
Length: 7:52
Size: 10.8mb

Kevin Foreman - Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention is similar to Deception with its tone and feel. I tried to make this song sound epic, with multi-layered harmonies and melodies coming together form an interesting and wide sound. I add a choir synth to make the epic feel more apparent. I use reverb throughout this song in many different places. Near the end of the song, I add reverb to entire master track to create a really unique sound. I really enjoy this unique sound it gives and try to master the reverb on the master track technique in my later songs. Divine Intervention took around 3 months to write, and if you are a fan of Deception, you should really enjoy this song.



Title: Undiscovered Tune
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Progressive/Soft Trance
Length: 8:03
Size: 11mb

Kevin Foreman - Undiscovered Tune

There is some backstory to this song. For a good two years, I whistled this tune all the time, but I had no idea what it was from. It bothered me so much because I really wanted to find out what the tune was from. So I wrote a song that included this "Undiscovered Tune" in hopes of a fan identifying it. To this day, no one has indentified it. If you have any ideas, please send me an e-mail with your best guess! The tune that I am referring to is between 1:15 - 1:42. If it doesn't sound familiar in the sond, go ahead and whistle the tune, I bet it will sound familiar to you. I personally really enjoy this song. It's quite different than my other stuff, and includes a piano/guitar section near the end. Undiscovered Tune took around 2 and a half months to write and I really hope you enjoy this song. Again, if you have any ideas on what the tune is from, please send me an e-mail!



Title: The Awakening
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Trance
Length: 9:51
Size: 13.5mb

Kevin Foreman - The Awakening

For The Awakening, I learned a few new techniques that really enhanced the overall Trance feel to the song. I learned various new ways to control synths and apply filters to them. This allowed me to create the Trance effect at 2:05. Due to the overwhelming praise I was receiving for the bridges in my former songs, I started to include a bridge in all of my songs, including this one. The Awakening took about 3 months to write and taught me a ton of new techniques that really helped shape my techno songs into what they sound like today.



Title: Deception
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Trance
Length: 10:42
Size: 14.6mb

Kevin Foreman - Deception

Deception is a very unique song. I tried to create a very dark and eerie feel with Decpetion by using many filters and other various effects. At 10 minutes and 42 seconds, Deception is one of my longest songs that incoporates everything I learned up to that point in FLStudio. I included a very unique bridge for Deception that includes a piano and my cello. I have received a lot of praise for this bridge and after many requests, I am thinking about making the bridge into a full-fledged song. Deception took about 3 and a half months to write and should be enjoyed by anyone who likes dark/eerie music.



Title: Inspire
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Trance
Length: 9:00
Size: 12.3mb

Kevin Foreman - Inspire

Inpsire was the song that inspired Collaboration, but was also written for someone very special to me. Inspire has a lot of gated synths, with layered pads and melodies thrown over them. With the success I received from Midnight Rave's bridge, I added a similar bridge to break up the techno feel and eliminate repitition. Inspire was also the first song I used the filter effect in, which is almost vital in any techno song. You can see in my later songs, I use the filter effect extensively on almost all lead synths. Inspire took around 3 months to write and inpsired me to continue learning all the different effects FLStudio has to offer.



Title: Collaboration
Artists: Kevin Foreman and DJ Ikronix
Genre: Trance
Length: 8:32
Size: 11.7mb

Kevin Foreman/DJ Ikronix - Collaboration

While writing Inspire, I sent it to a friend DJ Ikronix who really enjoyed the melody I was working on. We sent each other our versions of the song multiple times and basically wrote Collaboration together. It was fun, a tremendous learning experience, and a great way to advance my music. I really enjoyed collaborating with Ikronix and would love to collaborate with any other artist out there as well. Please contact me if you're interested! This song is a very stereotypical Trance track that is DJ friendly and would work great in a club. I hope you enjoy our collaborated work!



Title: Midnight Rave
Artist: Kevin Foreman

Genre: Trance
Length: 8:37
Size: 11.8mb

Kevin Foreman - Midnight Rave

A fan created Halo video which includes Midnight Rave

Midnight Rave was the first song I produced with FLStudio4. Everything beyond Midnight Rave (above) is also produced on FLStudio4. I used only the inlcuded sound patches for this song, except for the bridge at 4:56 where I use my B.C. Rich Warlock electric guitar to play the lead. This song, while it may sound amatuerish, really set my music off into the direction it has turned into today. After learning FLStudio4 for about 2 months, I went ahead and started to write Midnight Rave. It took around 3 months to finish. To guage how far I have come, take a listen to this song and compare it with some of my newer songs. Even though I used generic sounds, it still offers a melody-rich sound with a splash of electric and acoustic guitar. I really hope you enjoy it!



Title: Twisted System
Artist: Kevin Foreman

Genre: Hard Trance/Trance/Ambient
Length: 9:29
Size: 13mb

Kevin Foreman - Twisted System

Twisted System is a very exotic song. Its definitley love or hate. It is the first song I use my Ovation Acoustic guitar in. The song transists into many different sections, all of which have their very own unique feel and style to them. It is also the longest of my earlier songs at 9 minutes and 29 seconds. I got a huge amount of praise for adding my guitar into Twisted System, so I started to implement other instruments into my later songs. It took around 3 months to write, making it the longest song in production time of my earlier work



Title: Trance Nation
Artist: Kevin Foreman

Genre: Trance
Length: 5:33
Size: 7.62mb

Kevin Foreman - Trance Nation

As the title suggests, Trance Nation is full of Trance Synths, Pads, and Arps. It progresses through many melodies and sections throughout the song and gives it a very melodic feel. It took around 2 and a half months to write, and anyone who enjoys a very melodic Trance track should enjoy this song very much.



Title: Open Your Eyes
Artist: Kevin Foreman

Genre: Trance
Length: 5:09
Size: 7.09mb

Kevin Foreman - Open Your Eyes

With the success of Logitechno, I contiuned with the Trance genre with Open Your Eyes, but I wanted to add more of a Rave feel. It has a darker feel than Logitechno, and is heavily reliant on melodies. It offers many leads and transitions throughout the song. It took around 2 and a half months to write and should be enjoyed by anyone who liked Logitechno.



Title: Logitechno
Artist: Kevin Foreman

Genre: Trance
Length: 4:08
Size: 5.69mb

Kevin Foreman - Logitecho

Logitechno was definitley my first big hit. After spending about 3 months writing it, I finally added it to my website and got great feedback. I concentrated more on one specific style for this song, and used more common synths. I released it about 2 years ago and it still is one of my highest downloaded songs. While being my shortest song at 4 minutes and 8 seconds long, it is packed with many Trance synths and pads which come together to make it one of my biggest earlier hits!


Title: Exos
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Ambient/Soft Trance
Length: 5:22
Size: 7.37mb

Kevin Foreman - Exos

Exos is a very transition-filled song. The beginning is pretty experimental, but I follow it up with some multi-layered melodies. I wouldn't quite call it ambient, as it is mostly melody-driven, but it definitley creates a certain type of ambient feel. Exos only took about 1 month to write, but should be enjoyed by anyone who is into soft trance.


Title: Euphoria
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Ambient/Progressive
Length: 6:57
Size: 9.57mb

Kevin Foreman - Euphoria

Euphoria was another early song with many transistions. The beginning is very mellow/ambient with transitions into a heavier melody/beat. I use some exotic synths that have a very unique sound. Because of the unique and ambient sound, the track almost puts one into a state of Euphoria, thus is the name I chose for the song. It took around 2 months to write and hopefully puts you into the same euphoric trance it gave me.


Title: Backspace
Artist: Kevin Foreman
Genre: Ambient
Length: 4:40
Size: 5.34mb

Kevin Foreman - Backspace

Backspace was one of my earlier songs while I was still learning and getting used to synths. It has a very mellow feel to it and doesnt venture off into too much complexity. Although it may not be technically impressive, it is still a great ambient song to sit back and enjoy. It took around a month and half to write and would go great in any ambient/soft trance collection.

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